The Faithful Moms' Summer Planner is back with a new name!!
Introducing the Faithful Moms Connection Guide!!
When your kids are home on break, do you ever feel ::
- Overwhelmed? You want to spend time with the kids, but all of the responsibilities you're juggling keep weighing on you.
- Frustrated?After all, don't thousands of other moms do this just fine? What's wrong with me that we're struggling to enjoy each other?!
- Guilty? Shouldn't I be doing more? Why do these good intentions always flop?
Want to really connect with your kids this summer?
I want to help you live a GREAT summer with your kids.
You can be purposeful and present and really enjoy your kids this summer!
I'm a mom of 4 kids, and to be totally honest, a few summers ago, I crashed and burned on an intentional summer. I had such high hopes for a carefree, connected summer, but I hopped into the summer without a family plan.
I desired togetherness and deeper family connections, growth in our love for one another, and so many fun memories. I wanted us all to look back and say, “Now that was a great summer.” But instead, I ended up overwhelmed, frazzled, and feeling really guilty for how chaotic the summer was. The kids managed just fine, but my goal wasn’t a mediocre summer.
On the heels of that disappointing summer (and after conversations with hundreds of other moms who've felt the same way), I vowed to make summer different. Better. Purposeful and fun.
That's how the Faithful Moms summer planner and Connection Guide was born, and I believe this little resource will transform your summer.
We might have really good intentions, but unless we come up with a plan (even a laid-back one), we'll drift back to what's normal. We don't have live a mediocre summer! We can maximize the time we have with our kids this summer!!
The Faithful Moms Summer Planner is the tool you need to live a purposeful and fun summer!
The Faithful Moms Summer Planner will help you discern your priorities and come up with a framework for how to live them out — even with the kids home all summer.
The Faithful Moms Summer Planner will help you ::
Discern how God is leading you and your family this summer.
Structure your days according to the way God is leading you.
Connect with God, connect with your kids, and help your kids connect with God!
Available as a digital download, the Faithful Moms Connection Guide includes ::
- Priority planning and lots of questions, prompts, and space to discern how God is leading your family
- Monthly calendars (June - September 2024)
- Space to record memories from each day of the month
- Intentional prayer, gratitude, and reflection
- Idea grids to keep track of all of your summer fun ideas (both at-home and out-and-about)
- and so much more!
This is a digital edition, not a physical product. A digital file will be e-mailed to you. Once you receive the e-mail, you will need to save the file and print the guide on a personal printer or through a print shop. Your purchase allows you to print the Faithful Moms Connection Guide for personal use.
- Pages are designed to be printed on 8.5" x 11" paper
- Full color cover and B + W interior
Because this is a digital product, all sales are final. No cancellations, returns or exchanges can be accepted once your order has been placed.
Again, this is a DIGITAL EDITION of the Faithful Moms' Connection Guide. You will not receive anything in the mail. A digital copy of the guide will be available for download immediately after you complete your purchase. You should then save the file to your computer, where you can open and print for your personal use.
As stated above, this is a PDF digital product. To open the PDF you will need Adobe Reader (a free & safe download), or another program like Preview for Mac.
- This product is for personal use only, and is not to be shared or reproduced. It is copyright protected, with all rights reserved.
- No refunds are available on digital products.